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Breaking News
The fine folks at NBC have decided that it’s time to update its Breaking News+ application for iOS. Now at version 3.0, the application gets a little more personalized with real-time alerts, the ability to mute annoying topics, and it even gets a fancy new iOS 7 skin.
If you trust NBC for your news coverage, you should check the application out.
The app is free, so it’s worth looking at, even briefly. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn something about Rob Ford along the way. Spoiler: He’s an idiot.
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Nike Move
If there was an application designed to take full advantage of the M7 chip in the new iPhone 5S, it’s the Nike Move app. The application pretty much turns your iPhone 5S into a Nike FuelBand, giving you access to everything you would get out of a FuelBand including the tracking of your movements and map integration.
The app’s a brand new version 1,0 and from what we’ve heard it works very well.
The app is free and also worth checking out if you’ve got an iPhone 5S.
[alert style=”red”]Free On The App Store[/alert]
Apple AirPort Utility
Apple’s entire iOS AirPort Utility lineup has been updated to 64-bit. The application lets you manage your AirPort networt — including the AirPort Extreme, Time Capsule, and AirPort Express routers — directly from your iPhone or iPad.
It’s super handy to have if you own any of those devices. There’s nothing like rebooting the router from the luxury of your couch when your crappy Internet connection drops on you.
[alert style=”red”]Free On The App Store[/alert]
Adobe Photoshop Touch
Adobe’s now in on the iOS 7 party, and has updated its application for improved support of Apple’s latest mobile operating system. The company’s still doing things a little iOS 6-ish when it comes to buttons, but most of the updates are bug fixes and behind the scenes updates to make the app more efficient.
You should probably update if you get a moment and don’t have your apps automatically updating in the background.
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Apple has also updated its behemoth media center application, iTunes 11.1.3 has been update and fixes a number of bugs, as well as addresses some performance issues. Frankly, if there was ever an app that needs more performance improvements it’s the bloated iTunes.
The equalizer has also been overhauled, so it now works as expected. Thank god. We’re still waiting on the iOS App Store getting moved to its own, or the App Store application. No one wants that crap in the mess that is iTunes.
Honestly, who even opens this thing any more. You’re gonna have to open Software Update for this one.