Earlier this morning, the Supreme Court took a major vote in two cases regarding same-sex couples. In both cases, gay rights were victorious, with the decisions having now cleared the way for legal same-sex marriage within California as well as for equal rights/federal benefits for all gay couples to match those granted to straight couples.
The majority of the tech world has stood as firm supporters of gay rights, with most companies having already signed on as official supporters of same-sex marriage. Thus, several of these companies had some input on today’s monumental decision.
Apple let its sentiments known with a simple statement to All Things D. “Apple strongly supports marriage equality and we consider it a civil rights issue. We applaud the Supreme Court for its decisions today,” said a spokesperson for the company.
Google on the other hand, showed its support in its typical flashy fashion. If users search either “gay”, “lesbian”, “bisexual” or “transgender”, they’ll be greeted with gay-pride colors surrounding their search bar, a choice Google does annually for gay pride week.
Instagram also showed its support, by posting photos of the celebration on its company blog.
Twitter‘s users did all the marketing for the company, as the site was splashed with trending hashtags related to the decision on its homepage.
It’s certainly a weird feeling to see all these tech companies actually agree on something for once.