Samsung’s marketing team just put on their urban camo fatigues and went all guerrilla on Apple with an advertising campaign that takes a swipe at Apple’s Maps fiasco in Australia.
As part of a genius advertising campaign, Samsung set up a campsite, complete with muddy SUV, tent, coolers, and other camping gear, in the middle of Sydney, down on George Street. You wouldn’t know it was a Samsung advertisement if it wasn’t for the nearby sign with the clever jibe (seen above).
The sign reads, “Oops, Should have got a Samsung Galaxy SIII. Get navigation you can trust.” The sign also has a Samsung logo and a picture of a Galaxy SIII running its maps application.
I laughed. You should too.
The funny thing about this is Samsung’s continually beating Apple at its own game these days. As an underdog, Apple continually took pride in poking the stodgy competition in satirical commercials like the Get A Mac campaign that seemed to run for a decade. While Apple seems to be full steam ahead on classing up its image in their new advertisements (let’s forget about the Genius commercials), it seems Samsung has taken over where Apple’s Get A Mac campaign left off. Credit where it’s due. Well played, Samsung. Well played.